
Up at 3:30 am, on the bus at 4:30 to Dublin, on the plane at 8:55 to Zurich. At hostel by 2. Catch bus at 4 to reception and lecture. It was a long day.

McDonald's ad at Zurich's airport train station:

I did not know you could mix classical music with classic American fast food.
This was the scene right outside the train station. I also saw a waist-high pole on a sidewalk where you could pump your bike tires for free.

We went to a reception at a haus high above Zurich (we took a cable car):

This is the Belfast contingent (Colm, Stacy, and Marissa). There are also students from Denmark, Poland, China, Canary Islands, Greece, Italy, Romania. Our speaker tonight is the head of the UN Working Group on Guiding Principles--I wrote about this group last semester, so it's kind of neat to hear things from the horse's mouth. The students are very engaged in human rights--it's going to be a great two weeks.
Lots of trams in Zurich. Watches are big here--the airport and train station are plastered with ads for watches. It's a beautiful city. And it has its priorities straight:
