You have to laugh

Yesterday was gorgeous but I spent it copy editing. Today was gorgeous too, but I had to send more information to Copylab and I had a 2 pm meeting with a woman from Business in the Community, which works with local companies on a range of issues, including improving their environmental record. It was a very productive meeting and she thinks they may want to work with me as a freelancer.

I was determined not to miss another gorgeous day so around 4 pm I loaded her highness (our dog) into the car and drove over the hills north of Dundonald towards the shore of Belfast Lough, where I wanted to walk the coastal path. As I neared Crawfordsburn, where we used to live, the road was closed and I was diverted onto a road that took me in the opposite direction from the coast. I ended up in Newtownards, where I could head north to Bangor (and the coast) or west to go home. I went home because Bangor was much further along the coast than I intended to go. On the way home I stopped at Stormont to walk her highness. But I had to laugh because every day I’m frustrated with myself for not getting out and enjoying the weather--sunny and in the 70s every day. Then I try to do the right thing and I end up back in my neighbourhood.