Yo shorty

...it’s your birthday, we’re gonna party like it’s your birthday, and drink Bacardi like it’s your birthday...

I started the day with a run along the Lagan River at Belvoir Park listening to the dawn chorus. Just a lovely outing (I usually run in my neighbourhood so it was a treat to drive somewhere for a special run). I then did my job due diligence, applying for a job with the Carbon Disclosure Project and reviewing a lot of e-mails containing job listings.

By 2 pm I was ready to get out into the sunshine and I went to Mount Stewart, a National Trust property with lovely gardens. I walked around for two hours then had an early dinner there. I ended the night at a hustings event--12 candidates answering questions about abortion, gay marriage, benefit cuts, and sectarianism.

At MountStewart, I took two dozen photos. I’ll include some of the best. Tir na nOg is an Irish mythical land of otherworldliness. At Mount Stewart, it’s a walled garden that includes a family burial ground. Here is one corner of the garden up close.

And from a distance (it’s a speck in the woods):
