Work and play

The morning was work--hours of reading about corporate governance policies. The afternoon was play. We went to a play called Pentecost about four young adults struggling to make it through the strike of 1974, when loyalists brought down the Stormont government over objections to Catholics having any kind of power-sharing arrangement. Each of the four actors is tortured by their own demons and they make lots of impassioned speeches about The Troubles. And there was a ghost. It wasn't as dreary as it sounds.

Then we stopped for tea with David and Stuart, a couple who attend our church and who live near our future home. We had a great time comparing notes with them on: Ulster history, Ulster vs. England, the U.S. health care system vs. NHS, baking, Bangor vs. Belfast, and entitlement of natives vs. the work ethic of immigrants.

And apropos of absolutely nothing, here's a photo of me hiking the Laurel Highlands Trail two years ago--70 miles of heaven. A friend sent it to me yesterday and I enjoyed the memories it brought back.
