Winter marina

I began Saturday with a list of 20 things I wanted to get done this weekend. I got about half done today. Not bad.

I walked Paddy off lead on the coastal path, and he was a very good boy. Then we went to Bangor to visit Hillary, former owner of my house. Paddy walked all over her kitchen table, which she said she didn't mind. Before I went to see her, I drove by Bangor marina for a look.

I made less progress on my to-do list on Sunday because I worked four hours for Climate Action 100+, on top of three hours yesterday for my quarterly gig. If I can just get through this month... Paddy and I had a great walk at Belvoir Forest.

What I'm not enjoying about my busy January schedule is there is no time to run, to swim, to swing dance, to sing in the choir. I'm just working and walking Paddy. I missed a swing dance weekend in Portstewart this weekend and a hike on the North Antrim coast on Saturday. On the plus side, I have the cutest dog in Ulster and a really interesting job.

Jan. 12 & 13