
I don't consider myself a particularly avid shopper, but I think having 99.9% of my possessions in storage in Delaware is making me covetous of stuff. That and my fervent desire to buy a house and settle in with the right sort of decor.

What else could explain the two hours I spent today at Ross Auctions in Belfast mooning over a honey colored Davenport desk, Cornish kitchenware, a breakfront with intricate inlaid rosewood, a sofa with heavy mahogany lion's claw feet...

The viewings are on Wednesdays and the auctions are on Thursdays. I will not go back to the auction because I don't have a house yet (we are in a bidding war right now) and because, beginning Aug. 6, we have to vacate the townhouse where we are living because the owner returns from London for three weeks. That means most of the stuff we have here goes into yet another storage locker. So now is not the right time to store a sofa, even if it has impeccable lines.