
Today is the seventh day straight that I’ve been working on an e-mail for Preventable Surprises. It’s meant to go to 500 people. I’m having to quickly learn how to manage a Mailchimp e-mail database, design an e-mail template, and create links on a Wordpress website. Raj is driving me nutty because he keeps sending me changes. I thought the e-mail was going to 70 people, then it became 150, then 500. Which required much manual updating of a database of 2,300 names. The e-mail will link to six other pages, including a survey. He’s making repeated changes to the content on these pages and the survey, which requires much updating and formatting.

At my last job, I became a professional whinger. I was so unhappy in my job that I complained about everything. I don’t want to be a whinger in this job. AND I think you have to manage your manager so they don’t make your life miserable. I’m struggling to find the right balance between being a put-upon malcontent--a role I know very well--and letting Raj know when he is being unreasonable. He understands technology less than I do, so he has no idea how much work he creates for me with each round of changes. We had wanted to have the e-mail out a week ago and we remain nowhere near sending. Sigh.