What I’ve been ‘up’ to

This is the ceiling of what had been the master bedroom. I'm turning this into an upstairs sitting room because it has the best light in the house. Step one was to remove the wallpaper on the ceiling, which had been painted over many times. Step two is to remove the paper backing after the first layers are scraped off with a razor. Step three is to fill the cracks in the ceiling. Step four is to put on a primer coat, step five is apply paint if the ceiling is in decent shape. If it looks uneven, I might paint it with a Polyfill textured paint.

The roof scraping has lasted more than a month so far and I'm still on step one. I had to take more than a week off this project due to pain in my shoulder. I've also been cleaning a lot of floors in the wake of Isabelle's departure. Mopping floors and scraping a celing just aren't shoulder-friendly activities. Plus I'm trying to maintain two rounds of golf a week.

So more to come on this project. I have furniture in the downstairs living room waiting to move into this room, however ceiling is job number one. Then I have to prime and paint the walls, then get the wallpaper put up on a feature wall. So don't hold your breath on seeing the finished project.
