What Casey giveth, she taketh away

While Christmas shopping for David, I found a vintage Guernsey wool sweater made in Guernsey and never worn. While most sweaters in the charity shop are 5 pounds ($8), this was 30 pounds. My mother knits, so I know a good sweater when I see it and I bought it. I'm so very sorry to report that it's too small for David but fits me nicely. :-) It's a large and should fit him (other larges here do), but, being as it's vintage, the large of yore is not the large of today. Anyway, here it is. It has a beautiful off-shoulder (dolman?) sleeve and is warm and soft.

I'm also wearing a hat mom gave David when we were home for Christmas (it had belonged to my dad). The mantle is adorned with a sheep that showed up in an earlier blog post when I bought it for David, two china horse statues I retained from my childhood-bedroom purge, and a print of a horse that was given to me by Mrs. Curran, one of the wonderful women who befriended me when I was a wee lass.

I spent a lot of time today with Diarmuid the librarian, learning how to use a software tool that creates footnotes from a bibliography website I'm already using. This gives me hope that I will get the bloody papers sorted by the deadlines. I wake up in the middle of the night sweating as I worry over conforming to OSCOLA footnoting style. As if Queen's weren't enough fun right now, my quarterly freelance gig began today. I have 12 fund commentaries due over the next week--luckily they are all versions of the same base portfolio. But then I have bullets to write for dozens of other funds, due the following week. I will be extremely glad when this month is over.