What a pain in the neck

Today (drumroll) I finished my first essay. A trenchant report on the state of the U.N.'s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. I left the library before I put the final polish on it because I had a splitting headache, which I've had for two days, on and off. I went looking for a sick bay, somewhere to lie down for 20 minutes, and there was no such animal. I was shown to a dark, quiet room where I was visited by a first aid woman, who was lovely and kind but useless. She's not allowed to administer drugs of any kind because of possible reactions. I must have brightened when she mentioned chocolate, so she went away and came back with a bag of Galaxy chocolates, confiding that she may be breaking the rules. Having consumed my medicinal chocolates, I put my head on a desk for maybe 20 minutes, went for a walk, then went to my 4pm-6pm class, where I gave a presentation with my buddy Colm on the Marikana mine massacre (South African police opened fire on striking platinum miners; 44 died; Guiding Principles didn't guide very well).

Class over, I walked unsteadily to the train station, went home, took two Aleve and went to bed. The headache wouldn't budge. For some reason, I lowered my chin and I heard a few quick, high-pitched pops. Apparently the vertebrae in my neck had been unhappy. Once they had popped, my headache went away.

Long story short: I miss my chiropractor. Since I've been here, my spine has been noisier. My posture has also been worse as I spend hours sitting in front of my laptop. And I haven't been exercising because I"m so stressed about my papers.