Weighing on my mind

At the beginning of the year, I weighed 148 pounds, about 10 pounds above my weight when I left the U.S. (15 above my pre-accident weight when I was training for a triathlon). My goal was to shed 10 pounds this year. I watch what I eat, I consume way fewer calories and sweet stuff, and I’m running every other day, which I didn’t do during my year at Queen’s. My reward? I’m up to 151 pounds. WTF? It used to be the pounds would melt off me if I ate less and exercised more, but no longer. I assume this is a menopause thing. Sucks to get old, right?

Tonight, I went for a long walk to add to my exercise regimen. On the walk, I got a nice shot of Stormont, which is a lovely place, belying the contempt in which it is generally held.
