Week in review

Tuesday, weekly golf competition, did OK--points in the mid-30s under Stableford system. Friday was Lady Captains Day--played about the same. My handicap fell a half point after each round. Friday night was Lady Captain's dinner. Here we all were before dinner.

Saturday I went to Wilson's Yard and bought a cast iron bench for the back garden. I will have it painted before it's delivered. Then I went to Dobbies and bought plants for a new garden I'm creating. Then I hit some golf balls at a driving range. Then I lifted 12 pavers from the back patio and relocated seven to the side of the patio, and moved five to the side of the house.

Sunday was the match against Edenmore. Perhaps if I hadn't lifted and relocated 12 heavy pavers I would have been OK. As it was, I did not play well. The other player was very consistent--I don't think she ever missed a fairway--while I was a bit all over the place. I think my shoulders were too tight and I just couldn't get a feel for what I was doing.

She won the first, I won the second, she won 3&4, we tied 5, she won 6, I won 7, we tied 8 and 9, so she was 2 ahead at midway. I battled back to one down on the back nine but she ended up winning on the 17th--she was two ahead and I couldn't catch her with one hole left.

The good news is the Edenmore ladies were really nice, so it was not stressful from that perspective. But I was putting a lot of pressure on myself and it wasn't productive--sometimes pressure is productive, sometimes it isn't. Teammate Julie won her match while teammates Jen and Dee did not. Julie is the only holdover from last year; maybe the rookie squad will have a better shot next year. Once I lost my match, Fiona's match was called in because Edemore had already won three matches. She was even on the 14th after having been four down. I feel bad she didn't get to finish her round, but she said she was happy to be called in.

w/e 12 June.