Waste not

Today Mr. McPherson laid down the wood laminate floor in the living and dining room. It looks great--along with the freshly painted walls, ceiling, and trim boards. Photos to follow once we've moved a few things into the room from the conservatory.

In the meantime, I've been busy unpacking. The next room to be painted will be the guest bedroom, which means moving furniture out of that room into the middle bedroom, which means making room in the attic for what's in the middle bedroom. Long story short, I loaded up the station wagon with collapsed cardboard boxes, packing paper, and detritus from the new floor and from the kitchen cupboards. When you go to the recycling centre, there are bins marked for everything.

The colourful signs down the left are for small appliances, electronics, metal, and organic waste. When you first drive in there's a big skip for non-recylables. The other day it had a sea kayak in it. There are bins for reusable clothes, engine oil, books, cardboard, and paper. It is always busy. Today, contractors brought a trailer full of construction debris, which went in the "wood products" skip with my floor and kitchen remains. I always feel happy when I leave the recycling centre because it seems like a happier ending than the landfill.