
On my last day in London, I went for a great run around Wapping. I didn't have time to go back with a camera to capture what I saw. Wapping is a former docklands full of warehouses converted into housing. I passed Tobacco Docks, Cashmere Quay, and other places that reminded you of when this was an active port. Now it's all residential. Here is a photo lifted from the internet--I did run by here--Tower Bridge in the background.

After a shower, I had breakfast at my favourite cafe, near the office. Then I packed up my stuff at the hotel and then met Jasmin for brunch. I had already eaten (I can't wait until 10:30 a.m. to eat) so I just enjoyed catching up with her. There was a tube strike on so I was a bit anxious about my trip to Heathrow. Instead of using the closest line (District at Aldgate East) I walked with her to Moorgate and took a different line, where there was no strike action, to King's Cross, where I got the Piccadilly to Heathrow. Walking with Jasmin is fun because she knows lots of back ways through London. One of which repeatedly opened onto large courts, like this one, where two guys were jamming on a piano.

When I got home, I was delighted to see my little flower arrangements are still going strong. They're so cheerful.

As I mentioned earlier, my Belleek vases include three new additions, among them this lovely:

It was good to finally get home and relax. My housesitter had walked Paddy before I got home so I didn't even have to do that.

March 26