
I went for my second walk with Ann O’Dwyer, daughter of my mom’s close friend Peggy O’Dwyer. Ann likes to walk. Fast. We power walked for 2.5 hours around the Lagan Meadows and Belvoir Forest, after which I collapsed onto her kitchen chair and she fed me. I love talking to Ann because she’s a no nonsense person, calls it like she sees it. We discuss politics, relationships, careers, kids (she has one son)--we talk almost as fast as we walk.

In the afternoon I went to a meeting of QUB FF, or Queen’s University Belfast Fossil Free. This is a group of students who are trying to persuade the university to divest from coal and oil stocks. They’ve gotten the university to adopt an investment policy that pays heed to environmental factors, however it is written fairly broadly. I attended to share research by Mercer on the issues charities face when trying to divest, however I never got to speak. Whatever. I enjoyed being around the young folk because they have such passion and energy. They discussed refusing their certificates at graduation in protest over the university’s fossil fuel investments.