Walk, Talk, Eat

Yesterday, before we drove to Portrush, I went to Gary’s army surplus store in Belfast, where Sheina would collect us. While there I bought a flat cap, which has been popularised by the show Peaky Blinders. Here’s me in the cap.

We probably walked for 5-6 miles then had a late lunch in Portrush. It was a stunning day. I didn’t bring my camera or I would have posted more photos. We walked for quite a way along the beach. There were dozens of surfers out taking lessons. Portrush is a mecca for surfers.
All of the people in the photo are roughly my age, which is nice. Gary is probably the best lead I dance with. There are a few younger guys I dance with regularly, but they are somewhere on the border between energetic and too rough. Whereas Gary is very smooth. It’s great to dance with a really good lead because they make you better, you feel as if you are a better dancer than when you dance with someone who is harder to read.