Walk of Shame

I walked Paddy at Stormount recently, where there's a boardwalk through a bog. Along the way are giant bugs with informative signs.

In mid-Februay, I went to the Environmental Gathering in Derry, when activists from all over N.I. gather to compare notes and spur each other on.

As a result, I had an idea. What if each of the dozen critters on the boardwalk could have a more accurate interpretive sign.

What if each critter could be tied to an example of N.I.'s neglect of environmental regulation? The illegal dump at Mabuoy, illegal sand dredging in Lough Neagh, construction of a highway through the last peat bog, gold mining in the Sperrins, destruction of a forest of ancient trees, and so on. NI's refusal to regulate ill-conceived projects (jobs at all costs!) means the habitats of these creatures are being destroyed. So I think some of my Environmental Gathering friends need to reinterpret the boardwalk as a Walk of Shame.

I'm also working with an Ulster University professor on a response to the Department for the Economy's consultaiton on energy policy in NI. But that isn't as visual.

Early March