Video virtuoso

As I took Ronnie to Q-Con today, he told me of the many events he attended (Whose Line is it Anyway improv; a dating game where guys answered questions as a video character and the potential date had to guess which character; video game contests; panels; films; concerts). He blew me away when he told me about the Irish Video Game Orchestra, which played to a SRO crowd. He played me some of their songs on his iPhone. It sounded like traditional film scores--I was expecting electronica. No, he said, full orchestra and full on orchestral music. Whodathunk? I asked him how the music changes as the player interacts with the game and he said the music is coded to respond to the action in the game. This blew my mind.

I’m just happy thinking that the video game industry is keeping violinists, bassists, bassoonists, and their ilk employed. Did you know that the score for Super Mario Galaxy won an Emmy? Nor did I.