Vegan update

I haven’t been buying eggs, cheese, or milk. The only thing I really miss is Greek yoghurt, which I enjoyed on fresh fruit in the morning. I’m trying to learn to like soy yoghurt.

This is not to say I’m 100% pure vegan. I eat prepared foods that have dairy or eggs. Milk chocolate for example. I had a wrap with feta cheese in it yesterday. The soy version of feta is quite good, but I think the Marks & Spencer’s wrap had regular feta. I’m not at that stage where I examine packaging, which I’m getting too old to read anyway.

The other day I went to the allotments at the top of the hill. David still buys eggs occasionally and we had a lot of egg cartons that pre-dated the visit to the vegan conference that opened our eyes a bit wider to industrial agriculture.

There’s a guy who keeps chickens at the allotments and I wondered if it would be OK to buy from him. But the chicken pen is muddy and smelly and, while not as bleak as industrial scale, it doesn’t look like a great deal for the chickens.

I think for me to buy eggs in good conscience I’d want the chickens to live in cute little cottages with a big yard where they could strut around in all day, pecking at seeds. So no eggs for me.
I always enjoy going up to the allotments. Totally something I’d do once I’m retired.
