UU at UU

Today’s deadline was filling out an application for Ulster University, which is in need of a copywriter. I’ve been impressed by Ulster University since I moved here and I think it would be an interesting place to work. As a Unitarian Universalist, it might also create alliteration opportunities.

I probably didn’t spend as much time as I should on the application, but it’s done. Other jobs I’ve applied for here required experience with and knowledge of local government, which I lack. This job just requires writing about lots of different things for different audiences, which I’ve been doing all my life. Fingers crossed.

This is the view from my desk this week. I have a rose bush that has been blooming since May. I absolutely love it. These roses are on the widow sill, which is below my desk. They are fragrant in addition to being gorgeous.

I played golf today then had tea with my playing partner, Liz. It rained all nine holes--which was interesting. I’d like to play through the winter so this was a good challenge. Then I had a long Skype call with my friend Kyle, during which there was much bemoaning of the US situation. She lives in Frederick, MD, and knows quite a few Trump supporters. She feels their attitude is basically “I’ve got mine, Jack” and that they want Trump to kick everyone below them off the ladder. Anyone who is vulnerable or marginalised (non-white) should be tossed overboard to save those of us who have a toehold on the American dream. Republicans have been playing to white fear and insecurity for decades, so this is merely the apotheosis of that strategy.