
In no particular order.

I didn’t get the job with the European Climate Fund, but they want me to do articles for them on a freelance basis.

I’ve been sending letters and e-mails, tweeting, and blogging--calling out BlackRock and Vanguard on their past voting records on climate resolutions (which they have routinely opposed). There are a lot of annual general meetings this month at which shareholders are voting on resolutions that ask companies to disclose their exposure to a 2-degrees-Celsisus-compliant world (i.e., what is your risk of stranded assets if regulators limit emissions/impose carbon prices/take action to advantage a low-carbon economy). The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (chaired by Michael Bloomberg) has recommended companies fully account for how they are responding to the Paris Agreement (mandating 2 degrees), and we’re trying to get the world’s largest investment firms to support 2-degree disclosure resolutions. Two have passed--one at Occidental and one at PPL, FKA Pennsylvania Power and Light. All eyes are on Exxon and Chevron at the end of the month, however we are also trying to get a transition planning measure passed at Southern Company, second largest emitter of greenhouse gases after Duke.

Maysie isn’t doing well. We visited the vet today and he used the E word (second letter is “u”). To be decided tomorrow. Possibly.

David and I trimmed hedges yesterday. I was on a ladder trimming the top while he did the sides. i.e. I did horizontal trimming and he did vertical. My arms were wrecked by the end of it. The electric hedge trimmer is pretty heavy and not fun to use while balancing on a ladder on uneven ground.

More photos from Saturday’s garden. The azaleas were in full bloom and gorgeous:

I have no idea what this is but it reminded me of a triffid:

Triffids were genetically engineered by humans to sop up spilled oil. Like so many inventions, it became worse than the problem it sought to correct. I should clarify that Day of the Triffids is a fictitious film, however it has eerily similar parallels in the real world.