Parting shots

So this building:

Up close looks like this:

How can you not enjoy walking around a city with so many surprises?

One of the downsides of the trip was that Dara’s three friends were extroverts. After a period, I find extroverts exhausting. Living with three of them for a week wore me down. I also wasn’t dressed warmly enough on some of the long days we spent outside, I also missed a lot of meals because I was the only one among us who needed breakfast lunch and dinner. The rest of them ran on coffee or beer or both, eating only a late dinner. This resulted in me coming down with a cold on the 8th, the day before I flew back. I went down like a ton of bricks. After I walked to the shoe store and back, meeting everyone at the apartment at 5 p.m., I went to bed until I left the next morning. I could not get warm. It wasn’t a great way to end a great trip. But it’s also not surprising. I think as I’ve gotten older, I’m less adaptable to changes in food/schedule/environment. SUCH an old lady!
