Montjuic Castle

One day we took the subway for a few stops, then took a funicular railway up a steep hill, then took a cable car to get to Montjuic, a mountain overlooking Barcelona. The cable car takes you right to the castle:

Where you get a great view of the port:

The castle hosted an exhibit of Spanish collusion with the Nazis during WW2. It was a brave exhibit--I’m sure plenty of places would rather ignore this part of their history. Spain did not join the Axis powers officially but provided material support to the Germans and welcomed visiting German gymnastics teams and exhibits of German architecture and other things that seemed odd during war time.
I’m sure it was painful for Catalonians to see their lovely public squares draped in swastikas--huge banners rolled out when German leaders visited. There was reference to 100s of Catalans shipping off to work in German factories. Also some interesting photos of German and American officials meeting to exchange prisoners of war in Catalonia--a deal brokered by Italy.
