Tipping the scale.

You were no doubt wondering when I would mention Catalonian independence. We saw banners and flags everywhere promoting independence and none opposed.

I had read before I came that those in favour of independence are in the minority--maybe low 40s. So while it was wrong for the central government to come down on protesters in Barcelona like a ton of bricks, it was also undemocratic to force through independence (I can’t remember the mechanics of what triggered the crackdown--was it a call for a vote on independence?). In any event, Dara said that the Catalonian independence movement has Russia’s fingerprints all over it. Putin is trying to destabilise democratic governments from every angle possible. So Brexit and Trump are perfect opportunities for him to put his finger on the scale. Only a wily authoritarian could turn uber capitalists (Rupert Murdoch, Donald Trump) to his dark ends.
Here’s a pro Catalonia flag.

The older parts of the Gothic Quarter were probably my favourite.
