Visa, part two

I got a letter on the 10th from the Home Office demanding seven documents by the 20th. Given Easter hols, I had five business days. The letter stated my visa could be denied if they weren’t satisfied with the information I provided.

Today I overnighted a package to the home office in Sheffield, England with some originals and some copies. The original of the letter from David’s employer verifying his employment and salary hasn’t arrived yet. So I paid my $10 to overnight the package around 11 a.m. Two hours later, the employer letter (Fed Exed from Columbus Ohio on the 12th) arrived. Back to the post office to pay another $8 to overnight that letter to Sheffield.

It is a very stressful process. I also have a lot going on with Preventable Surprises and a 500-word file due today for my quarterly performance gig. At times like these I give myself a big pat on the back for resilience. And I took myself off to Saintfield tonight to attend my second swing dance lesson there. I haven’t been dancing for years and I’m trying to get back into it--stress relief, exercise, fun, good music, and social time. It ticks all the boxes.