Glenshane Again

I had lovely visits with Mary Richmond and Cathy Arthur today then hit the road for Belfast. The drive through the Glenshane Pass was breathtakingly gorgeous. I couldn’t find a place to pull over safely and get a shot of what I was seeing. This was maybe 2 pm-2:30 pm (it gets dark at 4:30 pm) and the sun on the Sperrin mountains was bright and cold and hard--afternoon winter sun produces light like no other. The mountain to my left had thick white clouds behind it--they looked like bales of white cotton arranged to show off the sun-bathed mountain. The mountain’s flanks were divided into green fields that were glowing under the winter sun while the peak was covered with snow. This is an internet photo that comes nowhere near the beauty of what I saw:

This photos suggests a bit the quality of the light:

Except the light was harsher, the sky bluer, the clouds whiter.

I pulled off to take a photo but a house blocked the view of the mountain. I went down a lane, but then I was in a small valley with no view of the mountain. I would have tried harder but I had to get to the kennel by a certain time to collect le chat. I didn’t want to pull onto the shoulder because it was covered in ice. I just drove in wonder for about an hour.