Christmas Greetings

Once upon a time I would have hand written a year-in-review letter at Christmas to maybe 50 friends and relatives, telling them of my ups and downs. Probably more ups, given the nature of such things. That tradition was probably petering out before I left the US but the postal rates at the Royal Mail were the death knell.

So now I write cards only to a few local friends and neighbours with minimal verbiage, reflecting the cards I receive. It reminds me more of exchanging Valentine’s cards than of US-style Christmas card content. As for my US friends, they now get an electronic card, which provides room for just a short sentiment.

I doubt anyone, at Christmas time, is wondering how my year went, so I don’t feel too badly about not churning out 50-odd cards in my sloppy handwriting. I do feel badly about electronic cards--they are just too easy.

I realised today the real loss in writing long notes is I don’t stop and think about my year. Fifty times. And in each iteration write about it slightly differently, maybe even changing my perception of the year in aggregate. I figured I’d take a quick stab at a year-in-review today.

The lows first: losing Maysie in May and Marco in September; getting shingles this fall; working alone, something I’ve never quite adapted to.

The highs: I always enjoy mom’s visits in the summer--this year visiting the Irish Open was a lot of fun. I’ve really enjoyed swing dancing and the friends I’ve made at Swing Belfast. I enjoyed taking golf lessons this summer and playing at Belvoir. I’ve enjoyed a lot of quality friend time with Julie and Ian. I set up my office, which I really like, and I published a proxy voting report that has attracted some notice. The Belfast Community Gospel Choir was stellar.

The year’s disappointment is that I never went on a proper hike anywhere--the kind involving a tent, rations, and backpack. I miss that so much and had wanted to do something of that nature. Maybe next year. A friend of mine got a job as a guide with a travel company, so she may help me get off my butt next year. I always like starting the New Year with a resolution I’m excited about, so I’m all set for 2018.