Christmas crazy

I had intended to go to two Christmas markets today, one at a National Trust property called Rowallane Garden (goal: buy wreaths for the house) and the other at a craft collective in Holywood (each a half hour from home in different directions). I also needed to ready the house for a visit by my friend Maria, who is spending the night after a dance.
I made it to Rowallane. Here’s the walled garden in the snow.

There were very crowded craft stalls, donkey rides, Santa Claus. I bought my wreaths and went home after admiring the lovely grounds.

On the way home, I stopped at a Spar for petrol that was selling wreaths for a fraction of what I paid. At least I supported the National Trust.
Then I vacuumed, made beds, decorated a bit more, then fixed dinner for Maria and myself. After which we went to Swing Belfast’s Christmas dance. A friend took a photo on her phone of my new dress. The picture quality isn’t great.

Good news is I feel like I danced pretty well. I still have a lot to learn, but I had a good time and really enjoyed the company of the friendly Swing Belfast crowd.