Portrush party

Apropos of nothing, here’s the set of The Book of Mormon during the intermission. Such a funny musical.

Today I got a lift to Portrush with swing dance buddies Gary and Sheina (she’s Scottish, which may explain the spelling?). They are a lovely couple in every respect and we had interesting conversations about religion, SatNavs, and dance teaching techniques. I spent the afternoon at two swing dance workshops (2-5:30 with a short break). Then the social was from 8-midnight. I made the mistake of accepting an offer of housing from Jill, the event organiser, which meant I was at the social until the bitter end. My poor little dancing feet were exhausted. I never say no when a lead asks to dance and Gary, bless him, kept asking me. He is THE energiser bunny while I’m someone who is very much feeling my age from 10:30 pm onwards.

My goal for the weekend was to perfect the 8-count swing out. I thought I had it nailed during the second lesson, “Swing out Surgery," but it all fell apart during the social. SO frustrating. This is an anchor move for swing dance and I just can’t get the footwork. It’s a thing of beauty once mastered but I’m not there yet. I’m going to a swing dance workshop in Edinburgh in February and I really need to get this sorted.