Christmas in London

I went to a sustainable finance breakfast near the London School of Economics and, of course, got totally lost trying to find the address. I successfully used Google Maps on my phone to figure out I had gone the wrong way on Farringdon after climbing down the stairs from Holborn Viaduct. I think that was a first.

I worked with David Murray all day then treated myself to the Book of Mormon--a fantastic seat for only 47 pounds. It was a nearly two mile walk from CDP’s offices to the theatre and, of course, I got hopelessly lost. However, you can’t argue with the views.

Above is Covent Garden, below is Leicester Square, where William Shakespeare is keeping an eye on the Christmas market.

I had studied google maps on my computer before setting out, so I knew the general direction I needed to head in. I tried using google maps on my phone and it wasn’t tracking me as I moved. It just showed lots of lines with a blue suggested route line and directions to turn left when I knew I needed to turn right. I may not have activated something on the phone? I don’t really like letting social media track my every move so I may decline things I should accept if google maps is to help me? But I also may be beyond help.
Book of Mormon was hilarious. The musical numbers were really entertaining. Cody Jamison Strand played Elder Cunningham, the unlikely Mormon leader, and Leanne Robinson played the female lead. She has an incredible voice so I thoroughly enjoyed her songs. Strand was just hilarious. A very physical comic and a weird vocal range. He even cracked up at one of the lines.
Now that I know the Northern Line gets me from Leicester Square to Kentish Town in 11 minutes, I’m going to have to see more theatre!