
When I got home last night, I learned that my cat Marco had died. David said Marco jumped down from the dining room table, landed badly, cried loudly, limped into the kitchen, laid down and died. Poor little critter. I hate to think of him suffering at all, but it couldn’t have been for more than a few minutes. Marco is on the left.

Two out of three of our relocated pets are now gone. Isabelle, sitting in this photo, is the last pet standing. Marco was the cuddliest of the three pets, so we both will miss him. I had no notion that he had been ill, but, in looking for signs, we think he had lost weight and David said he had missed jumps recently. So something may have been up.
Most of today was spent digging a hole and planting a rhododendron on top of poor Marco. This photo is from Crawfordsburn, where we lived before moving to Cherryvalley.
