BBC Radio 2

I’ve been listening to Radio 2 in the mornings while I stretch--trying to re-enter life without injury. I adore the morning commentator, Chris Evans--funny, smart, quick witted, unfailingly positive, although he can get annoyed, as do we all. This morning he was commenting on the American coverage of some kind of car race--Grand Prix?--in Texas, I think. England’s Lewis Hamilton is in the running to set a record for winning the most races. Chris said the American commentator spent about 15 minutes talking about each driver, delaying the race. That would SO not happen here. Comment is brief and in the background. We don’t lionise athletes here to the extent they do in the U.S. The Olympics here is back-to-back coverage of the actual events--no teary biopic on the obstacles overcome in childhood. It is very clear that the athletes are there for the country, not for themselves. In brief post-event interviews, they thank the sport funding authority for supporting them. British people find lots of chat highly annoying when they’ve tuned in to see the event and I have to agree.