La Doulou continues

Saturday Oct. 7. David is back from touring Ireland with his daughter, so I have access to a car, not that I’m eager to drive. He took me to a garden centre, where we had lunch and walked through the greenhouses.
Sunday Oct. 8. I read a few short stories in the Best American Short Stories 2014 collection. Also used some of the UU online materials for a DIY Sunday service.
Oct. 9-12. Monday through Thursday: Daytime consisted of a mixture of doing fund commentaries on T. Rowe Price Funds, analysing proxy voting data for Preventable Surprises, analysing utilities emissions data, and taking naps. Evenings consisted of taking my sleeping pills and then watching TV shows on my laptop until I fall asleep.

The first two weeks of shingles meant a lot of sharp pains in my stomach, hip, and back. Sometimes like cramps, sometimes like a deep burning pain. The last four days the pain is less internal and more external--as in the rash is on high heat. I feel like I’m a kid again. When we lived in Ireland for six years, we’d come home in the summer, spending time on beaches in Atlantic City and Fort Pierce, Fla. while visiting grandparents. I inevitably got horrible sunburns. That is what the rashes are like. I can’t stand to have anything touch my skin so I live in a robe. The only time I’m comfortable is when I’m in bed.
Oct. 7-12