Bad news

Sunday night I felt a pinch in my hip, which I attributed to Saturday’s Parkrun. Monday, the pain spread to my back and, by the evening, I had a rash. Tuesday, more pain, more rash, called the doctor. Wednesday I was diagnosed with shingles. Shingles!! I guess I’m officially an old lady now. I am in a lot of pain, and yet it isn’t as bad as being stung at the back of my throat by a wasp (I keep telling myself). My doctor helpfully pointed out that the shingles pain will last longer, however.

After you see the doctor here, you walk next door to get your prescriptions filled. 35 tablets of Aciclovir and 56 tablets of Amitriptyline. I wonder what that would cost in the U.S. Here, they are free. I’ll never get used to that.

I was supposed to be at a class from 10:30-12 today--a new class I’ve signed up for at Queen’s--however I left the pharmacy around 11. I drove in to Queen’s to talk to the teacher at the end of class--I have questions about accessing the weekly assignments. Big mistake. I spent 20 minutes looking for parking and then 15 minutes trying to find the room, which I failed to do. I was in absolute misery. I went home & went to bed.