Clothes horse

This week I mostly worked and slept. I’m fighting a cold so I’m lying low. Each day I spend some time changing around winter & summer clothes. It takes a long time because:
a) I have too many clothes.
b) I have too little room, so said clothes are squirrelled away in suitcases, garment boxes, bags and chests. Two garment boxes are in the “attic” which is a glorified crawl space that I can’t stand up in. So arranging armfuls of clothes on hangers to hang in these boxes while I’m bent over isn’t easy. The proportion of these clothes that I wear is ridiculously small. Some are too summery for Ireland. Some are too professional--lots of suits I hate to get rid of. Some are too, ahem, tight (“maybe they’ll fit better next year”).
One of these years I’ll be smart and get rid of more of these clothes. In the meantime, going up and down stairs is good exercise.
9-19, 20, 21