Ladies Bathing Pond

I tried arranging a meeting with another woman who handles communications/social media for a climate group. She suggested I meet her at Kentish Town train station, we’d take a bus to Hampstead Heath and then walk to the Ladies Bathing Pond for a swim, then have dinner. Why not?

I’d heard about the pond (more like a small lake) from Carolyn so I was excited about swimming there. Would you believe 61 degrees? I was amazed however at how quickly I acclimatised. I swam two laps of the pond with Hannah as a pair of chatty, lime green parakeets circled overhead and as we chatted about our love of swimming. It was an extraordinary experience.

We had dinner in Highgate and I walked back to Kentish Town--a very long but scenic walk. I took no photos today so here are photos from yesterday. A pub near St. Paul’s Cathedral:

And the cathedral:

And the National Firefighter’s Memorial, which began as a memorial to the firefighters who put out fires during the Blitz, when Germany bombed London for 57 straight nights. You can read more here.
