Big Sick

When I played golf yesterday, my phone fell out of my golf bag on the course somewhere. Luckily, someone picked it up and left it in at the bar. It rained consistently today, so I wasn’t eager to get on my bike and cycle 20 minutes to Belvoir to collect it (I’m without a car for the week). The sun came out at 4:30 and I cycled to Belvoir to get my phone. Of course the heavens opened as I drew near and I got soaked. Undaunted, I got the phone and cycled another 20 minutes or so to Queen’s, where I saw the Big Sick at Queen’s Film Theatre. What an amazing film. Funny, romantic, all the feels. My favourite part was the character played by Zoe Kazan. I love how she was written. Smart, confident, funny, not at all in the thrall of her new man--it’s like seeing your species evolve in one generation, at least as portrayed in film. I don’t think Hollywood does a great job with strong female characters, unless they’re superheroes. Apparently the woman she played co-wrote the screenplay with her husband, who plays himself in this fictionalised account of their courtship. So of course it was well written.
The father in the film was played by the Everyone Loves Raymond character. I saw that show only once and noticed that the female characters were shrewish and harped at their husbands--a hallmark of male scriptwriting.