The Allotments

If the small patch of garden you tend at your place of residence is insufficient, you can always rent an allotment. There are several allotments near me, one near the top of the hill I live on. I love it up there--dozens of neatly tended gardens overflowing with berry bushes, flowers, chicken runs. The views of Strangford Lough and the surrounding hills are great.

The allotment is part of a farm that also provides storage and RV parking. I love this view of the hills in the distance.

I was at the allotments dropping off maybe a dozen egg cartons, which I exchange for a dozen (very dirty) eggs purchased from Cyril, who keeps maybe a dozen or more chickens.

Every plot has its own shed.

You can tell people really enjoy themselves here.

I’d rent an allotment myself, however I haven’t gotten my back garden in shape, so I can hardly claim additional space to ignore.

Today I got rid of all the egg cartons, I took a lot of bottles to the glass recycling bins, I took unwanted clothes and picture frames to Oxfam, and I took unwanted books to War on Want’s used bookstore. Nothing like ticking off errands to make a soul happy.