Copy desk

Today I edited an academic article for a professor at Queen’s University who specialises in competition law. My editors at Vanguard would find it hysterically funny that I’m editing academic work. I wouldn’t say my writing is sloppy, but I would say I don’t have a full command of things like comma use.

The article was 16 pages long and it took me nearly four hours to copy edit. Here’s a taste:
"In the area of competition, the EU institutionally exemplifies the integrated agency model. It is an administrative and inquisitorial, not an adversarial system. The Commission investigates the cases, adopts the decisions, and imposes sanctions, hence acting as ‘police, prosecutor and judge’. Litigants and persons who have a strong preference for an adversarial system have been the chief critics of the Commission’s due process provisions. However, the original design choice derives from the EU’s historical context. The EU was formed by civil law jurisdictions at a time when only one Member State (Germany) had competition law on the books. This does not, of course, justify the flaws in what has become the leading, and perhaps the most internationally followed, competition law regime.”