Ask and ye shall receive...

My readers have complained that I haven’t posted enough photos. So I’m in photo-overdrive. My bike ride concludes with a trip through the city then up the Comber Greenway through East Belfast to my house.

This is the gable end of a row-house along the Lagan as I head downtown. Can’t really help with this one:

You know you are in nationalist territory when: see a dozen tricolours. This is a Catholic neighbourhood. In other parts of Belfast, Protestant parts, you would see the British flag. Like I wrote the other day, it’s complicated. Nationalists want to join the Republic of Ireland to create an island-wide country. Within the Protestant community, I’d say some feel this is inevitable and even welcome. And others have an “over my dead body” reaction to this idea.

This is Albert Bridge, which I go over all the time in a car, bus, or train. I forget how pretty it is.

Note Samson and Goliath in the background--the yellow cranes. The apartment buildings along the river are in an architectural style popular in Amsterdam. West bank of the Lagan:

East bank of the Lagan:
