Festival feast & famine

In the past two months I've missed the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival, Belfast International Arts Festival, QFT 50th Anniversary festival, and the Belfast Open House Festival. All had their 40- to 60-page programs, each filled with tempting descriptions of 100s of events.
I’m probably missing out on some events that are either very entertaining or very informative, however I’m lucky to have interesting alternatives--going to the RUA show opening with Ester, for example, or to documentaries with Sophie, or playing golf, or becoming a very large chew toy for Paddy the puppy monster. OMG his energy! He gets his second round of vaccines next Monday, then it’s another five days until he can be around other dogs. Until then, I’m trying to keep him entertained in a two rooms and the back garden. He isn’t house trained and he will chew on anything within reach. Between entertaining him and taking him out frequently, I’m worn out.
I had a ticket to go tonight to the architectural awards ceremony. I went to this last year and had a ball. Partly because I was so interested in the properties and people being celebrated. But also because they commissioned three songwriters to write songs about famous historical buildings. The whole night was a treat.
This year the event was in Derry. One of the songs was about the women in the shirt factories. I so wanted to go but I just couldn’t leave Paddy. I’d be gone around seven hours, so someone would have to come in midway through to get him out and play with him. I just feel he’s too young to set up a visit by a stranger.
The theme of this post is: you can’t do it all. Very true. While I was sorry to miss a big event in Derry, I love my little Paddy Wack. So there’s no point in me fretting over alternative choices.
November 6