Competition Law

I remember a time when I tried to create clever headlines. That seems like a long time ago! I occasionally find myself writing a week’s worth of blog entries at a time, so creativity is out the window.
I spent Monday and Tuesday editing a 38-page paper on the development of competition law in post-communist Poland. I looked for an extract to include here but it is just too boring. It’s essentially about what powers the competition agency’s head had and the degree of independence enjoyed by the agency under each iteration of market reform.
Tuesday night I went to a dinner sponsored by Ulster Bank, at which I had an interesting conversation with a young woman from Holywood (not Hollywood) who lives in Germany and works in the sustainable fashion industry. She and her husband, a Sri Lankan who grew up in Germany, want to move to Northern Ireland. I gave her a few tips on where she might fit in. For instance Ulster University has a top-notch textile division that sponsors some forward-thinking projects.
After the dinner David listened to me as I did mock presentations ahead of tomorrow’s conference. I haven’t had time to prepare properly, but maybe that’s for the best.
Oct 8 & 9