Estate Agent

Otherwise known as a Realtor. So I had an estate agent visit the house today to give an estimated market value. Which meant I vacuumed and dusted every corner of the house, trimmed the wisteria, mopped the floors, etc. I didn’t run or swim this morning just so I’d have enough energy. I’m learning I have to pace myself...
Yesterday I ran a half hour in the morning, did some vacuuming (I vacuum carpets very aggressively by hand to remove cat hair), then played golf in the afternoon. I got home and I was sick with fatigue. I wanted to go to a swing dance class last night, but instead I hit the sheets very early.
So, today. The house was spotless when Michael arrived at 4:30 p.m. I gave him the guided tour. The good news is we would make back the money we spent on the house. No more, but we didn’t think we could recoup such a big chunk of change (more than $70,000 plus closing fees) in so little time.
His input was sought on the back of my Brexit fears. If the housing market crashes after Brexit--a better than 50-50 chance--do we want to be sitting in an expensive piece of real estate? The other way of looking at it is, yes we’d get less for this house if the market fell, but the house we’d be buying would also have fallen in price. And sitting in a rental unit from the time we sell the house until after Brexit, when a second move would be necessary, isn’t an exciting prospect.
The house needs a few expensive repairs--mainly the conservatory, the roof, and the back garden. But the estate agent said these weak spots wouldn’t depress the asking price. Good to know.