Avoidance strategies

Facebook, email, blog, house chores, golf--all enemies of doing things like looking for a job, writing a freelance article, networking. When you’ve been off the professional treadmill for a while, it’s hard to figure out how to get back on. Much easier to play golf and read articles on Facebook about Poland’s role in the EU or Turkey’s slide into financial ruin or N.I. politics. Or watch cat videos.
On Wednesday, the 15th, I made a list of seven job-related things I wanted to do, half having to do with a freelance article I started in June and then abandoned when mom arrived. By the end of the day, I’d done only two. I spent most of the day deleting 100s of e-mails from two accounts. Many were job listings. Let’s say I looked at 500 jobs and found two that I’m interested in and remotely qualified for. But they are both in London.
One of the things I knocked off the list today was connecting with two recruitment firms in Belfast--a move suggested by Ann O’Dwyer. Maybe they can help me find something to do here so I don’t have to commute to London.
It’s been a month since mom left and, other than five days in Wexford, I’ve been here avoiding doing anything job search related. On the one hand, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break when the weather is gorgeous. On the other, it isn’t good to be flat footed on the job search front, when it can take months to be in position.
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