Wandering Wexford

Yesterday, before I left Wexford, I went around taking a few more photos. Like I need more photos. This is a ruin of St. Patrick’s Church, which dates to medieval times. It is very near the centre of Wexford town.

Here’s some more background:
The cemetery includes "the bodies of the victims of Cromwell’s sacking of the town in October of 1649."

It’s hard to see in the photo above but you have two lovingly cared for homes next to an abandoned property with buddleia growing out of it. Below is the main shopping street of Wexford.

I’m impressed by all the independent shops selling clothes, shoes, books, wallpaper, coffee, etc. and, at the same time, I’m mystified that anyone buys what is on offer. Many of the window display items look like they’ve been on offer since the 1970s. Given the influence of TV, I would assume people’s tastes have moved on.
Another thing that mystifies me about Wexford, why hasn’t it burnt down?
