My Tri

This morning I ran about 24 minutes (a slow climb back up fitness mountain) then, after my morning chores, I went to a bike shop and got a new tyre and inner tube--I’d had two flats in quick succession the last time I tried to ride my bike. Then I went to a reservoir I’d heard about that offers open water swimming. I checked out the course and decided I must buy a wetsuit so I can join in the fun. Then I hit 80 golf balls at a driving range and then I went for a bike ride.
It wasn’t a classic triathlon--thinking about swimming isn’t exactly swimming. Golf isn’t a tri event. And my bike ride was fairly short because my brake pads need adjusting (and I’m not in shape). But I’m belatedly getting into the spirit of summertime sportiness. This year is 10 years since the last time I trained for a triathlon--and was run over by a Land Rover. There isn’t a tri in my future this year but I’d like to play a bit with each sport and see what shape I can get into.
I’m fine running alone rather than in a club. But if I’m going to do open swimming, I’d like to be in a club. And I’d rather bike in a group than alone. Before I can join a biking or swimming group, I have to get in decent shape in each sport.
Speaking of the spirit of summer, I’m 3/4 the way through a four-pack of nectarines that are summer transubstantiated. The juicy, sweet flesh just reeks of summer. I recently had an ear of sweet corn that gave me the same sense of summer on a plate. So many simple pleasures!