St. Mary's

“Rather unusually, Devenish was shared by a very ascetic group of secular clergy, the Culdees, and by Augustinian canons who founded their own priory here in the twelfth century and built St. Mary’s church near the top of the hill."

My photos look fine when I open them in the download folder or on the desktop. But I upload them to my blog and they go wonky. I try rotating them before uploading but that doesn’t work. Me in St. Mary’s.

On the boat, we got a great view of Enniskillen Castle. I was so busy chatting to David and Stuart that I was kind of far by the time I took the photo and had to use the zoom, which reduces quality

We passed some pretty impressive mansions along Lough Erne and some very pricey motoring yachts. Apparently Germans own homes/boats along the lough because the fishing is good.