Victoria Victoria

I had a private golf lesson today with Victoria, one of the pros at Belvoir. It was really helpful. I wish I’d had a lesson with her last summer. Among other problems, I’m using my wrists too much, and my torso is lagging my hips when I swing. She said I have a good swing but my body position has been wrong because I’ve been over rotating.

I had a salad on the deck at the clubhouse with Liz and two of her friends--all three had worked for many years at Belfast Metropolitan College--The Met. They’d taken a generous early retirement package and are enjoying a life of travel and golf.

Tonight I went to a swing dance lesson and really enjoyed it. Our regular teacher is out of town and the replacements had a more fun approach--more interactive, more interpretive. We focused on breaks--shifts in the music where you can ad lib, each partner doing their own thing rather than leading & following. At the end, we worked on a solo jazz routine called Jitterbug Shag--really fun.

Because I’m not working and not traveling with guests, I have been feeling a bit at loose ends over the past week. Today was a good day because I had some quality social time with the golfers and the dancers.