Love Island

There’s a show here called Love Island that I haven’t seen--I’m not a big fan of reality TV. I read the other day that two of the stars died recently. I decided I should see this show to understand what it’s all about.
I think I turned it off in less than 2 minutes. I could feel my brain cells dying. Twenty somethings wearing a lot of make up, but not much else, flirt and fight and gossip and cry and talk about nothing. I read Wikipedia to understand the format and apparently young men and women in a villa on an island try to form pairs to win money. They are eliminated if they don’t form a pair or if the public votes against the pair or if the contestants vote them off. I haven’t read or watched the Hunger Games, but isn’t it a similar vibe? Kill or be killed?

Is public fascination with this--and I mean serious fascination--somehow related to Trump and Brexit? Voyeurism, wanting to see the worst in people, taking satisfaction from others’ humiliation, celebrating manipulation? Certainly fit for purpose in Brexit Britain and Trump America.