The futility of woman

I worked from 6 am until noon today--the deadline--on a job application for a job as a sustainability manager, working with councils in N.I. on sustainable development. The application was 11 pages long and broke my spirit. Trying hard to sell yourself while having a nagging feeling that you are wasting your time--it saps my strength. Here are two of the questions I had to tap dance my way through:
(d) Please demonstrate by providing personal and specific examples that you have a working knowledge of local government, its internal processes and their relevance to current sustainable development issues. (Max 200 words)
(e) Please demonstrate by providing personal and specific examples that you have a working knowledge of organisational governance and accountability processes (Max 200 words)

The truth is I’m not really qualified for the job, a one-year maternity cover. But I’m a quick learner and I think I could make a contribution. Chances are there is someone with local government experience who will sail into it.

As if that weren’t enough fun for one day, I spent the rest of the day working on two fund performance files due today. I took repeated breaks to lie down--I have absolutely no energy. After dinner, David and I went for a walk in the Rose Garden--it’s hard not to revive a bit when walking through thousands of bouquets of roses of every hue and shape. I observed to David that I think purple roses are wrong. I can’t explain why, I just think they look wrong.